
One secret for creating great color schemes is to combine colors of similar intensity and opposite values throughout a space for cohesive balance.

As example, for this custom headboard BRIDGET BEARI® DESIGNS combined three Colors of similar intensity using Piggy, Rambo and Beebop along with two Colors of opposite value in Caesar black and Snowball white. Alternating and dispersing the colors equally resulted in a beautifully balanced composition.

Likewise, following this rule of cohesive color balance throughout an entire room creates a well designed space that keeps the eye comfortably moving.

From an overall design perspective, this bedroom has a fresh retro look boasting a custom designed headboard that pays homage to the golden area of Abstract Art. Mid-century lamps mimic the geometric shapes in the headboard. The exposed wood lends a rustic vibe and the playful Pierre Frey sham compliments the cool color combo of the headboard.